Friday, 29 January 2010

Good Times :)

Recently been quite stressed & down but I'm good now, had a really nice day yesterday ; lots of fun at college, then went home and my boyfriend came round :) we had Chinese & watched tv, then sleepy time & nice breakfast with him this morning. We booked our flights to Venice last night!!!!!!! it's going to be so amazing, I'm really excited. Were going on the 2nd of July and get back on the 9th, it's going to be our 2nd year anniversary when we are there and were gonna go in a gondola eek. 

I'm gonna take lots of photos there and hopefully it will be warm so tanning will be involved!! And also apparently, its 16 to drink there? So will be legal for me to drink wine yay. 

I went on the new look website last week looking at the jewellery and found  a Panda necklace!! and anyone that knows me well enough knows that i have a whole lot of loving for pandas, this spurred on the demand to buy one! so i went on ebay and found one for around £7 & £3 delivery for a necklace from China! :) i am going to buy it when i can spare the money hehe. i will probably wear it everyday. 

Oh yeah and its also swarvoski crystal! yayyy.

Anyway, last weekend me & my best friend Agnes, went to Lyme Regis and took some photographs, it's a passion for both of us. 

I've been buying or receiving a few beauty products and just wanted to show & tell my thoughts..

'False Lash Effect' Mascara in Waterproof Black by Maxfactor, i wanted this for a while so finally got it for around £11, it seems alright, big brush, good colour, i just feel as though its very clumpy! :(

Edward Cullen poster from New Moon, my best friend bought it back from Poland with her, it's so big! I <3 it :) 

Vo5 'Heat Protection Spray' & Silvikrin 'Maximum Hold' Hair spray, both of them seem to do what they say on the tins and I'm happy with them, i don't use hair spray that much, sometimes i forget but it has a pleasant smell but it's a bit sticky, the vo5 spray is very good it's not as sticky as my old one which was swarkropft or something like that haha, and it smells fruity:) 

I received this body lotion from a glamour magazine survey i had taken part in, they sent me a full size! bottle for free, to try, they said they will be in touch to find out my opinion, it seems very good, soft, does what it says basically but i still feel as though it could be much more unique! like my Vaseline cocoa butter one which love and it smells just like chocolate ha :) i also received a 'veet' hair removal cream and another Johnson's body lotion but it's a gradual tanning one. 

Blurry photos :( but oh well, this is the 'Benefit' Velvet Eye shadow in 'Fawn over me' I'd wanted it for ages so decided suddenly to use my £10 debenhams voucher with some change as it costs £13.50 and I love it !! It's a great shimmery nude colour  :) 

also, i need to buy a hard drive for college, to hold all of my work, we get to use these crappy 'plug in' drives at college but not all of the computers accept them so i wanna buy a passport one or whatever its called! haha they come in different colours i think the pink one is cute..but i cant actually find it online anymore :( maybe it was limited edition so  i might get silver or black which are easily jest as sexy looking! :)

Miscellaneous photos...

So anyway, that's my blog for this week! i hope you've all had a great one :) lots of love, 

Tina xoxo

(P.S I took most of the photographs in my blog (except the panda, hard drive & Venice one, which are given credit) , so please DONT steal them or edit them without my permission, or I will fuck you over, thanks! :):):) 

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Cinema & You Me At Six

Hello Again :):)
This week of college has been rather crappy, I've been very tired and had some very strange dreams :(
But now it's the weekend! (I don't have college on Fridays) so I can sleep and do stuff and relax yeees!!

I've been listening to you me at six a lot recently...

I just came out of a web chat with the singer, Josh (middle) he is so gorgeous! and it was like in his own room… and so just NORMAL :D
i really want to see them live again but its hard to get tickets, boohoo. my favourite is Matt (far right), mmmm.......;D

i went to the cinema yesterday with my boyfriend, we wanted to see Nowhere Boy originally, but it wasn't on anymore :( so we decided to see AVATAR...… in 3D!!!!! it was pretty good, but not as good as everyone makes it out to be... i think it could have been better tbh. :) Sherlock Holmes was better mmm... Robert Downey Jnr & Jude Law what else could a woman ask for?! me and my boyfriend bought lots of sweeties haha i've still got lots of pick 'n' mix left over...see below...

Anyway, i better go now its getting late gonna go to sleep soon :)
night everyone and hope you've/your having a good week!xx

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Welcome to my blog :) first ill start off with a little introduction… I'm 'Tina', I am seventeen and I live in the UK… I'm currently studying media at college and I like pandas:)
now ill start with explaining what i did at christmas… lots of food shopping and gift shopping involved. i went to a place called Southampton & visited a new store called Hollister which is from the US, the shop didn't look like average at all, its set out like a beach house with lots of armchairs & its also v. dark in there. so yeah it was quite interesting and i loved it, i bought a few presents in there for my brother & friends. Here is a photo of the bag i got from there... lol


I also spent lots of time with family on christmas and on boxing day (26th) I went to watch some horse racing with my dad & brother, I bet on a few horses but didn't win anything however my brother was ever so lucky to win nearly £200! I was rather jealous ha. Here is a few christmas photos :

Moving on... I recently went to a screamo heavy metal etc. gig, thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to link a few of the bands in my blog so here is asbestos, into the dust &  who shot cyrus? I hope you enjoy them as well :)
I've just bought a few DVDs.. the notebook (never fails to make me cry), the curious case of Benjamin button (long but very good) & I've pre-ordered 500 days of summer - that film is sooo good :) I'm also thinking about buying 'Coco Before Chanel' for my mum's birthday & pre-ordering 'Julie & Julia' let me know if these 2 films are good as i missed the opportunity to see them :(

I've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year and a half on 5th January which is exciting but we wont be able to spend much time together on the day because we both have college that day :(

I got quite a lot of gifts for christmas… I've taken a whole loads photos for you to see :) so here we go:

Christmas cards:)

(All of them)

from my parents...

From my boyfriend…

From my brother, his partner & my niece…

...And finally from my best friend :)

Now here's some christmas presents I received :)

(Xbox 360 Premium Console, Xbox 360 Wireless Entertainment Pack & Milky bar Chocolate set)
I was given these by my parents, i also got some 'fingers' chocolate biscuits... but I've eaten them already haha :P
There's the Xbox in its place now :)

My games I got from my brother & controllers from parents.
All of my games… currently playing 'Fable 2' which is borrowed from my boyfriend though.
From my best friend, Robert Pattinson Annual (yummy LOL) & £10 Debenhams voucher (hoping to spend on makeup)

From my friend, Jess, a little 'mother of pearl' trinket box.

From Jess also, a lovely bracelet

A Nina Ricci 'Ricci Ricci' gift set from my boyfriend ;) <3
A Panda 'Hottie' from my boyfriend (Teddy bear you can put in the microwave, rather like a hot water bottle)

Some truffles from my boyfriend also :)
A MAC Metallic Eye shadow palette from my parents
Some 'Scarlett & Crimson' Eye shadow palette from my Brother & Co.
Estee-Lauder 'Youth-Dew' from my boyfriend's parents

A Sudoku book, eye shadow palette & £50 from my Auntie & Uncle, Sooo Generous!

& That's about it for my presents... :)

My mother got the Gucci 'Flora' Perfume from my Auntie, I'm soooo jealous but hey, at least i can borrow it;)
So wanted to include a photo of my perfume collection and so here it is, as you can tell I love perfume and my collections growing! :)

So yeah, that's all for now… this post took me about 2 weeks to sort out..the photos were uploading lol :( but thanks to Anna for her help :)

I'll update soon when I feel I have something else to talk about. Thanks for reading & i hope you all had a great christmas & new year :):) xxxxx