Welcome to my blog :) first ill start off with a little introduction… I'm 'Tina', I am seventeen and I live in the UK… I'm currently studying media at college and I like pandas:)
now ill start with explaining what i did at christmas… lots of food shopping and gift shopping involved. i went to a place called Southampton & visited a new store called Hollister which is from the US, the shop didn't look like average at all, its set out like a beach house with lots of armchairs & its also v. dark in there. so yeah it was quite interesting and i loved it, i bought a few presents in there for my brother & friends. Here is a photo of the bag i got from there... lol
I also spent lots of time with family on christmas and on boxing day (26th) I went to watch some horse racing with my dad & brother, I bet on a few horses but didn't win anything however my brother was ever so lucky to win nearly £200! I was rather jealous ha. Here is a few christmas photos :
Moving on... I recently went to a screamo heavy metal etc. gig, thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to link a few of the bands in my blog so here is asbestos, into the dust & who shot cyrus? I hope you enjoy them as well :)
I've just bought a few DVDs.. the notebook (never fails to make me cry), the curious case of Benjamin button (long but very good) & I've pre-ordered 500 days of summer - that film is sooo good :) I'm also thinking about buying 'Coco Before Chanel' for my mum's birthday & pre-ordering 'Julie & Julia' let me know if these 2 films are good as i missed the opportunity to see them :(
I've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year and a half on 5th January which is exciting but we wont be able to spend much time together on the day because we both have college that day :(
I got quite a lot of gifts for christmas… I've taken a whole loads photos for you to see :) so here we go:
Christmas cards:)
(All of them)
from my parents...
From my brother, his partner & my niece…
(Xbox 360 Premium Console, Xbox 360 Wireless Entertainment Pack & Milky bar Chocolate set)
I was given these by my parents, i also got some 'fingers' chocolate biscuits... but I've eaten them already haha :P
There's the Xbox in its place now :)
My games I got from my brother & controllers from parents.
All of my games… currently playing 'Fable 2' which is borrowed from my boyfriend though.
From my best friend, Robert Pattinson Annual (yummy LOL) & £10 Debenhams voucher (hoping to spend on makeup)
From my friend, Jess, a little 'mother of pearl' trinket box.
From Jess also, a lovely bracelet
A Nina Ricci 'Ricci Ricci' gift set from my boyfriend ;) <3
A Panda 'Hottie' from my boyfriend (Teddy bear you can put in the microwave, rather like a hot water bottle)
Some truffles from my boyfriend also :)
A MAC Metallic Eye shadow palette from my parents
Some 'Scarlett & Crimson' Eye shadow palette from my Brother & Co.
Estee-Lauder 'Youth-Dew' from my boyfriend's parents
A Sudoku book, eye shadow palette & £50 from my Auntie & Uncle, Sooo Generous!
& That's about it for my presents... :)
So wanted to include a photo of my perfume collection and so here it is, as you can tell I love perfume and my collections growing! :)
So yeah, that's all for now… this post took me about 2 weeks to sort out..the photos were uploading lol :( but thanks to Anna for her help :)
I'll update soon when I feel I have something else to talk about. Thanks for reading & i hope you all had a great christmas & new year :):) xxxxx
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