Monday, 8 March 2010


Hello, sorry I've been away for a while… been busy, but i'm back! :)

Just a few products I've bought lately & loved…

Firstly the 4 nail polishes I purchased from ASDA, yes… ASDA! Haha, they were £1.50 each (with the exception of the grey which was 75 pence, no idea why! :) 

I got 4 colours as you can see : bright blue, lavender violet, grey & a mint green. Their actual names are from left to right are : 'Cloudless Sky', 'Be Mine', 'Rain Cloud' & 'Streamer'. 

They seemed quite reasonable for their price, and I would say they lasted about a week without massive chipping but the consistency of the polish is quite thick and gloomy but hey can't complain really! :) I tried to get pastel colours and a grey as you can see but ended up getting a bright blue cos it appealed to me a lot. 

Last week, I got the Panda necklace!! :) yay, it arrived in about 2 weeks from China and came in a little interesting box. 

I just think it's really cool all the Chinese postage stamps etc. ha :) So here's what the final products looks like!! 

eeeek! I'm so happy with it:) I think it was a bargain and although I don't wear it everyday like I thought I would, its still a nice necklace, I wish I could wear it everyday but it doesn't go with everything lol. 

Make-up wedges…

Rosy lips Vaseline, I love it! :)

I got the Aussie hair colour range… :) I love it.

The Rimmel Stay Matte powder i use like everyday lol

Babyllis 'you curl' curlers I got from eBay - bargain!
I got some new earphones from amazon because I mislaid my apple ones, these were cheaper, they're coloured!! And they seem to be better audio quality :) v.happy with them.

Urban Decay Primer Potion! Its essential to be honest…

Eye shadow quad from Maybelline, bronzey/gold colours, I love it although their not very pigmented. 

Plain black tank from New Look

Purple/blue top from New Look - colour is gorgeous!

Some samples i got before to make sure i wanted to  buy the full size ha =D

I picked up this Revlon Matte blusher, in number 2 blushing berry, it's such a nice colour and ive kinda used it everyday since I got it.

Gold/Red heart necklace from Accessorize, so simple yet gorgeous!

Purple chain bracelet thingy with elephant charm, my best friend has one like it but with a hand ! :P

Got these to be quicker but I don't like them haha they're weird… :)

Recent nail polish… its crap! haha, it chips very easily :/

As you can see… lol 

Anyway yeah so theirs a taster of some things I've bought recently, i'm going to do 2 other posts seeing as I've not been blogging for so long! :) so yeah look out for the next one, lol.


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